It felt good to get out there again and run a race and just relaaaaaaax. I decided last night around 11:00 PM to run this morning and am so glad I did. Several of my friends were running in it so I thought, "What the hell?!?" I honestly had NOT RUN AT ALL since the Chicago Marathon so I wasn't really looking to PR or kill myself. I thought it would be a fun day to get out there, wear running shoes for the first time after my blood blister healed, and be with my friends while they ran their first race leading up to the Kiawah Half that I talked them into doing.
I kept snoozing this morning, finally getting out of bed at 7:00 AM and scooting across town to Daniel Island, the site of the race. I was registered, pinned, and ready to roll by 7:45 AM which meant I had plenty of time before the 9:00 AM gun. Of course, the race got started late (just like last year) and we finally got going around 9:15 AM.
It had started to get a little hot by that point... maybe 76 degrees? Sunny. No shade. Kinda reminds me of... naaaah.... it was nowhere as bad as that. The water stations at miles 1 and 2 were equipped and well-manned. That was nice. I appreciate that more now.
I also forgot what it is like to run local 5Ks and how people do not really practice race ettiquette-starting at the front of the pack and walking, forming a line across the street, and other pet peeves of mine.
I have been running at a 11:00-11:30 min/mile pace for marathon training so I picked it up a little bit this morning and tried to stay at a 10 min/mile pace or just below. I came up on one of my friends around 2.5 miles into the race and she looked like she was struggling after going out too fast. I jogged with her for about 2/10ths of a mile before she waved me on. I was proud of her for running the whole thing as she has been taking walk breaks while training. They all kicked butt!
My final chip time? 31:38... about a 10:15 min/mile pace. 3+ min slower than my time last year although I have to remind myself I have not been training for shorter distances. I will get there.
Next race is in 2 weeks- the James Island Connector. I am then pushing on with the Folly Beach 10 miler the following week before getting into the longest of my half marathon training runs.
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.