Sunday, December 31, 2006

Rain rain GO AWAY!

You know that wonderfully peaceful, serene, and happy feeling you get when you wake up in the morning and hear the tip-tap of rain on your roof... and then BONUS!... you realize it is Sunday and you can sleep in? All the cares in the world just slip away because you can snuggle back up into bed and go back to sleep.

Yeah, I don't feel that when I know I need to get up and run.

It RAINED pretty much all of last night- yeechh. Therefore, the trails at the Greenway are crappy and muddy and not what I want to deal with today. I am sure the bikers are in heaven. I feel pseudo-guilty for rubbing in our beautiful weather just a few days ago. Wait, no I don't. Come the 100+ degrees, 100% humidity days of summer- I will be heading for the hills!

So, I am debating... head downtown and run through the streets there (assuming they are not flooded ha ha) and have to dodge all the tourists and out-of-towners for the New Year or just resort to a neighborhood run with the MP3 player by my side. Today is 9 miles so I might just suck it up and jaunt around here- lots of new construction and houses going up. Fun scenery, eh?

I went to go pick up my NYE dress at the dry cleaners yesterday. After she brought it out, I said, "Well, I guess I will be bringing this thing back Tuesday. I am running a race in it on Monday morning after New Year's Eve."

She looked at me with a weirdly concerned look and responded, "No, you cannot run race in this dress!!! You will ruin it."

I thought for a sec before responded and blurted out, "How is me running a race in it any different from me spilling beer and bourbon on it and people smoking around me? Besides, I need to win a bet."

She shook her head and I almost expected her to give me the "would you jump off a bridge if..." talk but I just paid my money and left.



MW said...

Some people live such square lives, I love just meesing with them.

I really hope it's the sames chick that takes your dress on Tuesday.

Tiffany said...

I told her I would bring a photo of me celebrating a PR with the dress on. She seemed proud to be a small part of this victory!!!

Hip hip hurray!! PR!!