Saturday, September 08, 2007

If I was dating the Chicago Marathon... we definitely would have broken up by now!

I thought about my relationship with the Chicago Marathon and have come to the following conclusions why we have relationship issues at times...

1. Chicago Marathon (CM) is high maintenance. Weekends need to be planned around CM's demand for long runs. CM makes my alarm go off at 4:00 AM with no apology.
2. I wish I could cheat on CM. I wish I could cheat with another race, like a 1 Mile Fun Run.
3. The timing with CM just does not seem right. Summer training is not as fun as I thought it would be.
4. CM does not appreciate the nice things I do for it. It just keeps asking for more.
5. CM makes me hurt. Physically.

As much as I would love to tell CM, "It's not you... it's me..." - I am not gonna! I think I can make this relationship work- at least for 4 more weeks :)

Tiff + CM


Arron said...


if i ever do this again it will be a fall marathon with winter training.

Unknown said...

that's funny! Yes, marathons are very demanding, but you're almost there!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Tiffany, maybe your love affair with CM will be a great one-time fling, but I estimate it will be very worthwhile.

Enjoy some fantasies about it until race day.

Keep up the good work!

Colleen said...

This is the best post ever! Too funny and too true!

Mendy said...

That's freakin' funny!!