Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Just how long could I procrastinate doing my long run this weekend?

Til Tuesday morning! I knocked out my (very, very late) long run of 13 miles this morning... and then went to work and had to sit at a desk all day.


Only 4 days til my next long run- a scheduled 16 miler with my coworkers also running Chicago. It is AMAZING that this is the FIRST time since we started training that I am able to do my long run with them! Long runs alone SUCK... so I am happy!!!

Don't you just love those fabulous weekends that you wish you could go back and relive again and again and again and again??? Yeah, me too.


Marcy said...

Anything you want to share from that weekend? :P

Gimme some long run love, I have my 13 miler tomorrow. I cannot imagine working after running 13 miles. Yucky, yucky

Mendy said...

I'm with Marcy!! Want to share Tiff?

Good luck on your long run. I have a 14-16 scheduled too!!! Glad you are back with your running group.