Saturday, April 07, 2007

Snow, hills, and running… oh my!!!!

3 miles is better than nothing, right?

I woke up after only sleeping 4 hours or so on my aunt’s couch and a long night of throwing back the homemade vintage, playing Texas Hold Em, filling Easter eggs with candy and silver dollars (I didn't steal any, OK? It's for the kids), and getting physically assaulted by the 84 kids in the house… and looked outside.

Snow, ice, 20 degree weather. Welcome to beautiful northeast Ohio, folks!!

So, I did what any sane Southern gal would do. I laced up my running shoes and did an easy 3 miles, stepping gingerly around patches of ice and moving out of the way while snow plows came through.

Go TIFF!!!

P.S. I think it was a wise move to save my 9 mile long run for tomorrow… when I am back in good ole’ Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarleston. Word.


aka Moogy said...

Oh my God...I laughed so hard when I saw you end the post w/ "Word". I love you too! ;)

Tiffany said...

Totally. That's how I roll, Moogy!