Saturday, September 02, 2006

Could passing out in my neighbor's yard really be a blessing?

I woke up late this morning. I slept through my 6 AM alarm. I planned on waking up early to beat the heat for my run this morning. I leisurely wake up at 9:00 AM...eekk! I decide to bust a move and get out there before it gets really, really hot. I had not eaten dinner last night and fell asleep rather early after a long day of working at home... and hadn't really drank enough water. I am usually pretty religious about drinking water when I am in the office but yesterday I was baaaaaad... and I already felt dehydrated... like I had swallowed a bunch of cotton balls and I think I bit off part of my tongue when sleeping. I know, I know, I am straange.

So, I am running this morning... feeling good... hitting stride after a couple miles... and I bend down to stretch out my ankle. Suddenly, I feel like I am on a tilt-a-whirl and I am seeing white spots. Is this what it's like to die? I guess I then fell over into someone's yard.

Well, my neighbors (whom I have never met... they all think I am weird because I work like 15 hours a day and just come home to sleep and shower) apparently see me keel over in their yard and run to help me. The next thing I know, they are bent over me with a pack of ice, a cool towel, and a bottle of Gatorade. Yumm... orange Gatorade... my favorite flavor :)

I try to explain what happened, no I am not dead. No, I am just stupid and did not take care of myself. THEN they lay it on thick... do I live alone? Yes, I do. (Why does everyone think it strange I am 26 and single and live in this neighborhood alone?) Do I have a boyfriend to come help me? (Do I really need a boyfriend to "rescue" me from their yard? No.) THEN it comes... they have a single son that just moved to town, would I be interested in meeting him? (For you singletons out there, I am sure you can emphasize... everyone thinks the stars are aligned and they want to set you up)

Maybe it was the rush of consciousness I got when sitting up. Maybe it was the sun blaring right into my eyes before I put my glasses back on. Maybe it was just their charity to help me and perhaps some of it rubbed off on their son.

I agreed.

God help me.

Maybe passing out in people's yard IS the best way to meet someone.


P.S. I am running on the treadmill tomorrow :)

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